Narration to connect the dots, data, events, stories:
- Tell the why (reason)
- Show the how (the way something is done, achieved)
- Sell the what (nature, object, matter)
Asking “why”, “how”, and “what” questions is a great way to gain a deep understanding of a subject and create a compelling narration.
When you ask “why”, you’re trying to understand the motivations behind a particular action or event. This can give you insight into the underlying causes and reasons for why something happened.
Asking “how” questions can help you understand the processes involved in a particular event or action. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of how something works or how it came to be.
Finally, asking “what” questions can help you gain a clear understanding of the facts and specifics about a subject. This can help you understand the details and specifics about what happened, what something is, or what someone is trying to say.
By using these types of questions, you can gather a wealth of information and build a comprehensive understanding of a subject. This can then be used to create a well-rounded and engaging narration that captivates your audience and helps them understand the subject at a deeper level.
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